


【プレスリリース】新しい東北を創る「INTILAQ東北イノベーションセンター」 オープンのお知らせ

一般社団法人IMPACT Foundation Japan(所在地:東京都千代田区、以下「IMPACT Japan」)は、東日本大震災の被災地復興支援プロジェクトに資金を援助するカタールフレンド基金(Qatar Friendship Fund、以下「QFF」)の支援を受けて、2016年2月1日、宮城県仙台市若林区卸町において、「INTILAQ東北イノベーションセンター」をオープン致します。

IMAPCT Japan は、次世代グローバルリーダーの育成を目指し、2010年に設立された法人で、これまでにTEDxTokyoやH-Labのような革新的なプロジェクトの企画、運営を行ってまいりました。2013年より、QFFの支援を受けたプロジェクト「INTILAQ(インティラック)」の企画・運営を行っており、東北地方の地域再生の推進力となるべく、新しい会社を起こす起業家だけでなく、小中高生、大学生、企業、生産者、どんな人でも、新しいビジネスの創出に向かってチャレンジする人々を「おこす人」と名づけ、そんな「おこす人」の育成および支援を行っています。


IMPACT Japanでは、2016年1月より、本センターを利用できる会員の募集を開始致します。また、今回の本センターオープンに先立ち、地元仙台市の「SENDAI Entrepreneur Week 2016」(2016年1月23日〜31日)とも連動して、起業家イベント、ワークショップの主催、共催を予定しております。詳細は、下記本センター概要、並びにINTILAQウェブサイト(をご参照ください。

Next Phase in Revitalizing Tohoku Begins:

INTILAQ Tohoku Innovation Center to Open Feb. 1

IMPACT Foundation Japan is an independent legal entity created in 2010 to help nurture Japan’s next generation of global leaders. Beginning in 2013, it received key financial support from the Qatar Friendship Fund to develop a next-stage project aimed at igniting the latent energy of the Tohoku region following the natural disasters of March 2011.

On February 1, 2016, the main symbol of that project — the INTILAQ Tohoku Innovation Center — is scheduled to open in the Oroshimachi district of Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

To date, IMPACT Foundation Japan has planned and managed a number of innovative projects along the lines of TEDxTokyo, Global Entrepreneurship Week Japan, and H-Lab. In 2013 it was selected by QFF to create, develop and manage a new project called INTILAQ to promote the revitalization of the Tohoku region, not simply by supporting existing venture businesses, but also by reaching out to students of all ages, as well as to small and medium-sized manufacturers, and to all sorts of young companies that show potential to grow and to employ members of their local communities. INTILAQ’s mission is to identify, cultivate, and financially assist these key local “change agents.”

Among its other functions, the INTILAQ Tohoku Innovation Center will be a comprehensive incubation environment, featuring flexible co-working spaces and booths, classrooms, event spaces, a video production/editing, broadcasting studio, and a kitchenette. Also, because passionate change agents often forget the time when they are caught up in some exciting project and find themselves stranded wherever they are brainstorming, INTILAQ has included simple overnight accommodation space to ease some of the pains of entrepreneurism. Going forward, INTILAQ will not only manage and operate the Center, but also nurture and support these local change agents, even organizing and sponsoring a variety of events and workshops where Center members can meet and interact with area experts, pick up information, and obtain vital introductions from them. Simply put, the Center is a focal point to bring together IMPACT’s regional, national, and global networks, providing both the hardware and software to comprehensively support local change agents.

From January 2016, IMPACT Foundation Japan will be accepting applications for membership in the Center. In addition, it will be sponsoring a number of events and workshops aimed at entrepreneurs, starting with Sendai Entrepreneur Week 2016 (Jan. 23-31), which will be held just prior to the official opening for the Center itself.

For more information, please refer to the Center Overview below and/or the INTILAQ Website:
